New Templates Boast Auto-Detect Links
We’re in the process of redesigning our templates to create a more dynamic visual experience. By using an infinite horizon-style background, templates will now encompass the entire space, regardless of screen size or resolution. The resulting look is updated and fresh. Custom templates can now make full use of the background to reinforce company branding and create a more lasting impression. Now, let’s get to the auto-detect links!
The other feature of our redesigned templates is auto-detect links. That’s fancy wording for link buttons that only appear if you have created a link. Until recently, many templates had 7 customizable link buttons that were always visible, even if the button was empty. Now, if you have two links set up only those buttons will appear. Our other template style had 7 customizable text links that only displayed in the link area when set up, but remained static, leaving an awkward blank space when fewer than 7 links were visible. Now, if you have two links set up, they will appear next to each other. Both button and text links are automatically centered in the designated link area, maintaining balance to the template design.
Generic, Holiday and Special Occasion redesigned templates available in customer accounts include: White Generic, Red Generic, Teal Generic, From the Desk Of (see below), Laugh and Digital Tablet (see below) with more coming over the next several months. Customers who previously purchased custom templates can (for a limited time) have our design team incorporate the new infinite horizon background and auto-detect link option to their template for just $99.
Contact with questions and to place orders.