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Get more responses with cold email software

Incorporate video prospecting into your cold emails to engage leads, get more responses, and increase conversions.

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Using video in your cold email outreach

Looking for a way to catch your prospect’s attention, differentiate yourself, and get more responses? Covideo’s cold email software can help with that.

What is Covideo?

Covideo is a sales prospecting tool used to easily record, send and track personalized video messages. Incorporating video into your outreach increases overall engagement and conversions, making it an effective and innovative sales technique.

Increase response rates

People want to do business with people, not technology. Skip the impersonal interactions by incorporating a personalized video email into your outreach for a lasting first impression that resonates.

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Keep prospects engaged

Use Covideo’s call-to-action buttons to share content like e-books, whitepapers, case studies, or to invite working prospects to webinars. Helpful resources like these add value and demonstrate the expertise and insights you bring along with your product/service.

Shorten the sales cycle

Delve into product overviews or address complex questions without sending lengthy, confusing emails or waiting weeks to coordinate calendars. Keep the lines of communication open and the timeline on schedule with a video your prospect can watch at their convenience.

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Transform cold emails with video.

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Cold Email Software

Most people can agree that cold outreach is typically a dreaded task but a necessary component of sales and prospecting – it’s how to generate new business. Cold outreach consists mostly of calls and emails. Throughout this article, we are going to focus on the email part. We know that sending cold emails can be monotonous and time consuming. So, we are going to go over some strategies and a cold email software that will help you stand out in the inbox and increase your response rates. Here is what to expect:

  • Cold emails meaning
  • Cold emails: Tips and best practices
  • Best cold emailing software
  • Templates to use for cold email outreach software


What is cold email marketing?

Let’s cover the who, what, when, and why of cold email. Typically an employee in the sales or marketing department is responsible for overseeing the cold email marketing. This form of outreach is when there has been no prior point of contact with the lead. It`s used to spark a conversation and relationship with the lead in hopes of moving them down the sales funnel into a closed sale. Before every sale is closed, a relationship is made. There are a few different reasons to send cold emails; it could be for prospecting, creating introductions, sending to potential clients, networking, for a job, etc. Most recommend sending out a cold email to potential clients before calling. It gives the salesperson something to reference and to talk about. The best way to manage your cold email outreach is to invest in a cold email marketing software. Here at Covideo, we know that sales teams find themselves sending hundreds of emails, only to receive a few responses due to no prior relationship, inboxes already flooded with sales emails, and, let’s be honest, no one enjoys getting emails from solicitors. To help you get responses, we will cover some strategies and tips to incorporate in your cold email campaign next.


How to send cold emails that get responses

Most cold emails get ignored, deleted, and no responses which can be discouraging for a sales rep. In order to stand out and get noticed, you need to do something different, and be engaging. So, how to draft a cold email then? You don’t – Stop writing the email and just send a video instead. A cold video email is a short recording of yourself saying the same message. By sending what normally would be a plain text email in a different format, you are standing out in the inboxes that are cluttered with solicited emails, being engaging, grabbing their attention, sparking curiosity, and humanizing the outreach/sales process. For the best results, it’s important to know and practice these cold email tips:

  • Keep it short – Attention spans are short, especially when dealing with pitches and the instant gratification mindset. The video should be 30 seconds or less – definitely no more than a minute.
  • Personalize your message – Video allows you to tailor your message for each recipient. Take advantage of that and show that you care to humanize the outreach process.
  • Wave and smile at the beginning – An animated video thumbnail will generate when it embeds in the body of the email. It pulls the first 3 – 5 seconds of the recording, so you want to make sure to smile and wave.
  • Always end with a call to action – Keep the conversation going and relationship building by directing the recipient to a website, encourage them to schedule a meeting or send you an email, etc.

Maintain an efficient outreach process with cold email campaign software. Next, we will cover what the best cold email marketing software is and how to utilize it.


Cold email software

If you are looking for an innovative approach to sending cold emails that increase response rates & conversions, then using a cold email service provider, like Covideo, is a great solution for you. Covideo can be used throughout the sales process from prospecting to after the close thank yous. It’s one of the best email prospecting tools, or it can be used as an outbound email marketing software. Record, send, and track your videos all from within your Covideo account. Here are some common use cases for video:

  • Sending an introduction video to a new prospect. First impressions are everything. Customize it for each recipient by adding their name or custom branding with our annotations feature, or use our whiteboard method by simply writing their name on a whiteboard to display in the video.
  • Keep the prospects engaged by adding calls-to-action buttons with our CTA feature. Link them with your website, Calendly, documents, webinar links etc. Always close with one when early on in the sales process.
  • Send meaningful and impactful follow ups and thank yous even after the deal is closed. Show that you care which makes it easier to ask for referrals.

However, if you are looking for the best email outreach tool to automate your messages, then a platform like Outreach may be for you. Outreach is a sales platform that allows companies to manage their sales funnel, automate their outreach, track productivity, and increase sales opportunities. Combine Covideo and Outreach and you have a dynamic email outreach software duo. Send Innovative, personalized video emails and combine it with email automation so it really makes for an efficient and effective process – it doesn’t get much better than that.


Cold email template

Everyone is looking for a cold email template, b2b or individual purposes, to guide what they say. These are often impersonal and repetitive – they don’t stand out. The best cold emails don’t follow a template because it keeps it from sounding impersonal and rehearsed. However, we have included a video example along with an example script to give you a look at a cold email example in action to help get you started. Remember to introduce yourself, state why you are reaching out, how you can help, and end with a strong call-to-action like this:

“Hey Chris! My name is Mariah and I am reaching out on behalf of Covideo. We are [ Give a brief overview of your company] video messaging platform that makes it easy to record, send, and track personalized videos. We work with [who your primary market is and how you help them] sales team and help them get more responses, stand out in the inbox, and communicate more effectively throughout the sales process. [Explain why you have reached out to them specifically] We know your company really values customer experience and service, so we think video is a great way to show how much you value your customers and offer a personalized approach. [End with a strong CTA] I’d love to chat and learn more about your team and see how we could be a fit. Click the link below to schedule a time on my calendar. Bye for now!”

These videos are easily recorded using Covideo’s video email sales platform. With the virtual world we find ourselves in today, it’s important to find a way to stand out from your competitors while still building personal connections. A cold email system, like Covideo, can help you do just that. To see more about our sales email software and how it can benefit you, schedule a demo with an expert!


Send videos with Covideo’s cold email software

Drafting and sending cold emails can be a time consuming task that is often dreaded by most – although it doesn’t have to be. By recording the message instead of writing it, you can knock out the task quickly and get the results you are looking for. Video emailing delivers the same message but in a different format that is more engaging, personalized, and effective. The videos should be short, friendly with a wave and smile, and with customized touches like the recipient’s name. Covideo is one of the best cold email software for this.

Covideo allows you to record, send, and track these videos all from within your own account. The best thing about video is that it can still be used all throughout the sales process from introductions to thank yous and referrals, but the creativity is up to you. To help get the creative juices flowing, check out the script and example video above, or try the cold email software, free, by signing up Start a free trial Start sending cold emails that get responses with video!


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